românia // generale / societale / economice / tehnologice / inovație-creativitate
europa / ucraina / internațional
2024 va fi cel mai important an de până acum – Dumitru Borțun, #IGDLCC 211, 24.12.23
Studiu IRES: românii în 2023 – despre România, lume, viață – CdG, 28.12.23
Care au fost cele 23 de evenimente care au marcat economia României în 2023 – ZF, 22.12.23
- Ce lucruri bune s-au întâmplat în economia României în 2023: cea mai mare listare din Europa, am ajuns din urmă Portugalia și Ungaria la PIB-ul pe cap de locuitor – economedia, 25.12.23
- Veștile neplăcute din anul economic 2023: Concedieri, un faliment în asigurări, fabrici închise și un pachet de măsuri fiscale – economedia, 27.12.23
- Burduja: Atragerea investiţiilor a reprezentat un obiectiv esenţial pentru consolidarea securităţii şi independenţei energetice a României – agerpres, 30.12.23
- De la scumpiri istorice, energia a ajuns anul acesta la preţuri negative, prosumatorii au făcut într-un an ce nu a făcut statul în 30, Hidroelectrica a inundat Bursa şi a fost luată cea mai aşteptată decizie de investiţii privind gazul din Marea Neagră – ZF, 29.12.23
- Economia verde în 2023: Finanţări europene şi investiţii private au prins contur în 2023 în tranziţia României către o economie circulară – ZF, 21.12.23
- Sistemul Garanţie-Returnare, evenimentul anului în economia verde. Care sunt aşteptările? – ZF, 21.12.23
- România închide 2023 cu peste 1.000 de kilometri de autostradă şi 70 de kilometri de drum expres, alături de un nou aeroport şi un al treilea pod peste Dunăre – ZF, 25.12.23
- Podul de la Brăila, Aeroportul Braşov-Ghimbav şi livrarea primului tren Alstom Coradia, „vedetele” anului 2023 – agerpres, 26.12.23
Intrarea în 2024 – cu un puzzle de 20 de piese cdg din 2023 – CdG, 29.12.23
Person of the year 2023: Taylor Swift – Time, 5.12.23
- Taylor Swift Makes History as Person of the Year. Here’s How – Time, 6.12.23
- Who Will Be TIME’s Person of the Year for 2023? See the Shortlist – Time, 4.12.23
Person of interest 2023: the longlist – FT, 12.23
2023 in review: 5 must-reads to make sense of the year just gone – and to get ready for 2024 – WEF, 21.12.23
Inteligenţa artificială (AI) a definit 2023. Gloanţele şi buletinele de vot vor modela 2024 –, 26.12.23
Ten reasons to be cheerful about 2023 – FT, 12.23
5 Things in the World to Be Thankful for in 2023 – FP, 23.11.23
It may seem harder to give thanks this year, but it’s not impossible. By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University
Which economy did best in 2023? – The Economist, 17.12.23
- The Economist’s country of the year for 2023 – The Economist, 20.12.23
- The world’s richest countries in 2023 – The Economist, 20.12.23
2023 shows that economic growth does not always breed peace – FT, 12.23
Ucraina și Republica Moldova încheie anul cu o decizie istorică: începerea negocierilor de aderare la UE –, 27.12.23
What 2023 Taught Us in the Russia-Ukraine War – FP, 26.12.23
Foreign Policy’s best reads on the state of the conflict and the implications going forward. By Stefan Theil, a deputy editor at Foreign Policy
- Războiul din Ucraina în 2023: Contraofensiva ucraineană a eșuat. Moscova nu renunță și spune că va continua războiul –, 27.12.23
2023 Was Another Record Year for Climate Change – FP, 29.12.23
As the world threatens to breach a critical global warming threshold, cooperation still seems to fall short. By Chloe Hadavas, an associate editor at Foreign Policy
5 must-read stories about nature and climate from 2023 – WEF, 21.12.23
- De la migraţie, la căldură şi maratoane: 10 recorduri înregistrate în acest an –, 25.12.23
- Cele mai mari dezastre naturale ale anului au ucis mii de oameni şi au devastat comunităţi întregi –, 25.12.23
Burduja: Atragerea investiţiilor a reprezentat un obiectiv esenţial pentru consolidarea securităţii şi independenţei energetice a României – agerpres, 30.12.23
5 of the biggest highlights in energy in 2023 – WEF, 27.12.23
- Companiile petroliere intră întărite în 2024, graţie consolidării din SUA – agerpres, 29.12.23
- AIE: Maxim istoric al consumului de cărbune la nivel mondial în 2023 – CdG, 15.12.23
5 stories to read about work and jobs from 2023 – WEF, 21.12.23
5 stories to read about healthcare from 2023 – WEF, 21.12.23
5 urban transformation stories from 2023 – WEF, 21.12.23
The Year Policymakers Woke Up to AI – FP, 25.12.23
Artificial intelligence became more than just a buzzword in 2023. By Rishi Iyengar, a reporter at Foreign Policy
- Technology and innovation: our 5 top stories from 2023 – WEF, 18.12.23
The world this year 2023 – The Economist, 17.12.23
- Germania 2023, o retrospectivă sumară – RFI, 28.12.23
- Franța 2023: Ample mișcări de protest, atentate teroriste și creșterea nivelului de alertă la ”urgență atentat”, vreme la extreme – RFI, 26.12.23
New Geopolitical Words We Learned in 2023 – FP, 25.12.23
Washington is losing its rizz and other powers are stepping into the AIS gaps. By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior associate fellow at the European Leadership Network
Was 2023 the Year of the Global South? – FP, 25.12.23
From the halls of the United Nations to leaders’ podiums, policymakers fixated on the concept this year. By Audrey Wilson, a senior editor at Foreign Policy
Four Days in 2023 That Shook the World – FP, 21.12.23
2023 was a tectonic shift in geopolitics. By Jack Detsch, a Pentagon and national security reporter at Foreign Policy, and Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy
- Un an al războaielor –, 27.12.23
tendințe, prognoze
2023: Tendințe și perspective – Inițiativa pentru Cultură Democratică Europeană (ICDE), 2.01.23
- Trei predicții pentru 2023: iliberalismul dat în vileag, Schengen înainte de alegeri și succesul de la Chișinău – Magda Grădinaru, spot media, 2.01.23
Trends That Will Define the Coming Years – Antonia Colibasanu, Geopolitical Futures, 3.01.23
They include deglobalization, stagflation and the bursting of the tech bubble.
- Don’t Forget About Water in 2023 – Antonia Colibasanu, Geopolitical Futures, 18.01.23
23 Trends for 2023 – Social Innovation Solutions, 6.02.23
This report focused on analyzing trends in technology, environment and sustainability, consumer trends, food and agriculture, healthcare, and wellbeing. It aims to map societal changes through innovations, products, services and new ideas. The collection of these 23 trends results from over 150 resources, journalistic communications, white papers and articles used and compiled to select what we consider to be the most relevant trends to put in sight for 2023.
6 experts at Davos share what’s on the horizon for 2023 – WEF, 14.01.23
Will 2023 Learn From The Crises of 2022? – Global Stage/ GZERO Media, 3.01.23
- For Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and GZERO, the main reason for hope in 2023 is that this year some people realized that there are big problems worth fixing. Although we definitely live in a G-zero world with a vacuum of global leadership, he adds, we’ve also seen unprecedented Western unity that would not have happened without Russia invading Ukraine. Ian believes that resistance to a negotiated solution to the war will come from the developing world and that Elon Musk is definitely complicating things with how he’s running Twitter.
- Microsoft President Brad Smith discussed the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which at their halfway point he sees as a “glass half full, half empty” but questions how progress is being measured. Also, Smith sees Russia turning to civilians in Ukraine because its military is losing against Ukrainian soldiers, which he regards as the opposite of what the world agreed to do after World War II. On climate, he doesn’t see things in good shape after COP27 but hopes today’s multiple ongoing crises will push us to do more things together.
Megatrends 2023: these are the trends we cannot ignore – SITRA, 1.01.23
Sitra will mark the start of the new year by publishing the Megatrends 2023 report, which will provide a big-picture view of the most significant changes of our time and bring understanding to this era of surprises. Apart from providing insight into megatrends, the report highlights obstacles to change and opportunities for the future.
In Order To CHANGE YOUR LIFE In 2023, You Need To DO THESE 3 Things First! – Yuval Noah Harari / Tom Bilyeu, 3.01.23
- Artificial intelligence has become more front and center in the past few weeks with A.I. art and AI generated images becoming virtually inescapable. What can you do to thrive during these massive changes?
The World Ahead 2023 – The Economist, 12.22
- Ten trends to watch in the coming year – By Tom Standage, Editor, The World Ahead 2023
AFTER TWO years in which the pandemic was the force shaping the immediate future, the main driver now is the war in Ukraine. In the coming months the world will have to grapple with unpredictability around the conflict’s impact on geopolitics and security; the struggle to control inflation; chaos in energy markets; and China’s uncertain post-pandemic path. To complicate matters further, all these things are tightly coupled, like an interlocking series of gear wheels.
The World Ahead 2023: five stories to watch out for – The Economist, 27.12.22
- What stories should you be following in 2023? From India becoming the world’s most populous country, to an illegal drug that might be approved as a medicine, The Economist offers its annual look at the year ahead.
Year Ahead 2023 – Project Syndicate, 01.23
The year 2022 was one of grim and grisly returns: the return of major war – and nuclear brinkmanship – to Europe; the return of high inflation and the threat of stagflation globally; and the return of famine, dire poverty, and other problems against which the developing world had been making steady progress. With all these developments poised to continue, the question now is whether solutions will be found to counter the forces of discord and disintegration.
Anul politic 2023 – Cristian Andrei / Ioana Dogioiu, spotmedia, 3.01.23
La finalul lui 2023 vom fi deja într-o logică pre-electorală pentru alegerile europene și cu tatonări, cel puțin, din partea celor care doresc să fie președinte. Deci sunt doi factori care vor schimba intenția de vot: succesul sau insuccesul gestionării crizei și lansarea unor lideri populari în cursa prezidențială.
Prognoza de iarnă a Comisiei: Investițiile ar putea fi motorul creșterii economice a României în 2023 – cdg, 13.02.23
- Creștere economică peste așteptări în 2022. România va evita, cel mai probabil, recesiunea tehnică – cdg, 14.02.23
- Romanian Economic Monitor: Economia va înregistra în acest an o decelerare generalizată / Creșterea PIB-ului va încetini la 2,5%. Prognoze de evoluție, pe sectoare – economedia, 7.02.23
BNR: Harta riscurilor la adresa stabilității financiare a României – CdG, 19.01.23
- Daniel Dăianu, Consiliul Fiscal: Putem evita recesiunea în 2023. Caracteristicile și riscurile perioadei pe care o trăim – CdG, 27.12.23
Perspectivele pentru economia României pe termen mediu – BT Macro Focus, 20.01.23
- Previziunile actualizate indică perspective de creștere pentru economia națională cu dinamici anuale de 4,6% în 2022, 2,6% în 2023, respectiv 3,8% în 2024.
- Activitatea din economia națională se va redinamiza în 2024, evoluție determinată de temperarea presiunilor inflaționiste și implementarea programelor lansate de Uniunea Europeană după incidența pandemiei COVID-19. În acest scenariu previzionăm continuarea fluxurilor investiționale post-pandemie în trimestrele următoare, evoluție susținută de nivelul redus al costurilor reale de finanțare, potențialul ridicat de convergență economică europeană și accesarea programelor europene.
- Conform scenariului central actualizat investițiile productive din România ar putea crește cu ritmuri anuale în accelerare de la 5,3% în 2022, la 6,4% în 2023, respectiv 6,7% în 2024, cu implicații pozitive la nivelul climatului din piața forței de muncă și impact de antrenare pentru celelalte componente ale PIB-ului. Rata medie anuală a șomajului ar putea să scadă de la 5,4% în 2022, la 5,2% în 2023, respectiv 5,1% în 2024.
- La nivelul cererii externe nete prognozăm creșterea exporturilor și importurilor totale (bunuri și servicii) cu dinamici medii anuale de 10%, respectiv 11,4% în intervalul 2022 – 2024, după cum se poate observa în al treilea grafic din partea dreaptă.
- Atragem atenția cu privire la factorii de risc pentru dinamica economiei României în trimestrele următoare: nivelul ridicat de incertitudine și tendința recentă de deteriorare a climatului macroeconomic mondial; tensiunile geo-politice; deciziile de politică economică pe plan intern, inclusiv ritmul de implementare a reformelor structurale; modificările climatice.
Prognoza UniCredit: Economia României va intra într-o recesiune tehnică superficială. Inflația se va menține de două cifre în 2023 – CdG, 17.01.23
2023, un an volatil pe piața muncii din România. Ce se va întâmpla cu spirala creșterii salariilor – Claudia Spridon, panorama, 8.01.23
- Economie verde. Banii din PNRR pentru reciclare, Sistemul Garanţie-Returnare şi găsirea unor soluţii pentru poluarea din Bucureşti sunt cap de afiş în economia verde – ZF, 3.01.23
- Ce se va întâmpla cu consumul? Dar cu preţurile? – ZF, 3.01.23
- Energia și construcțiile, printre cele mai profitabile domenii pentru anul viitor/ 2023, anul când vor începe proiectele din PNRR – economedia, 31.12.22
Edelman Trust Barometer: 4 steps to rebuilding trust – WEF, 18.01.23
A lack of trust – driven by economic anxiety, disinformation, mass-class divide and leadership failures – has left us polarized.
Teamă de război sau speranțe pentru pace – care sunt așteptările oamenilor din Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est pentru 2023? – DW, 27.12.22
Global predictions for 2023 – IPSOS, 09.22
Global citizens are struggling to be optimistic about 2023 as most express concern about the state of the economy, the environment and world security.
IMF Upgrades Outlook For the Global Economy in 2023 – Time, 31.01.23
- The outlook for the global economy is growing slightly brighter as China eases its zero-COVID policies and the world shows surprising resilience in the face of high inflation, elevated interest rates and Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine.
- That’s the view of the International Monetary Fund, which now expects the world economy to grow 2.9% this year. That forecast is better than the 2.7% expansion for 2023 that the IMF predicted in October, though down from the estimated 3.4% growth in 2022.
Şefa FMI se aşteaptă ca prognozele globale de creştere pentru 2023 să fie menţinute la 2,7% – reuters, 13.01.23
- Kristalina Georgieva (FMI): Perspectivele economice sunt mai puţin sumbre decât se credea în urmă cu câteva luni – reuters, 20.01.23
- IMF’s Georgieva urges monetary authorities to ‘stay put’ despite optimism – WEF, 20.01.23
Global Economic Prospects: Sharp, Long-lasting Slowdown to Hit Developing Countries Hard – WB, 10.01.23
Growth in advanced economies is projected to slow from 2.5% in 2022 to 0.5% in 2023. Over the past two decades, slowdowns of this scale have foreshadowed a global recession.
- Banca Mondială: Economia mondială ar putea intra în recesiune în 2023 – reuters, 10.01.23
- For most of Central and Eastern Europe, 2023 will likely see a slowdown in growth – emerging europe, 11.01.23
- Banca Mondială estimează o creştere de 2,6% a economiei româneşti în acest an – agerpres, 10.01.23
Global Economic Outlook: Is this the End of an Era? – Davos 2023, WEF, 21.01.23
Chief Economists Say Global Recession Likely In 2023, But Pressures On Food, Energy and Inflation May Be Peaking – WEF, 14.01.23
- Recession in 2023? That depends on where you are in the world – WEF, 16.01.23
- Recession in 2023? Here’s how trade unions are gearing up – WEF, 16.01.23
73% of CEOs around the world believe global economic growth will decline over the next 12-months, the most pessimistic outlook in over a decade – PwC, 16.01.23
Economic outlook & predictions for 2023 from Central Europe’s CFOs
PwC’s 26th Annual Global CEO Survey – 16.01.23
Evolve or die, say 4,410 chief executives in our 2023 CEO Survey. But are they spending enough time on business reinvention? Many tell us no.
- 26th Annual CEO Survey – Central and Eastern Europe
The war in Ukraine has put the global spotlight on Central and Eastern Europe. From Germany’s eastern border to the frontier of China, CEOs throughout the region are dealing with the fallout from the conflict, which is also driving uncertainty around the world.
PwC’s 26th Annual CEO Survey Launch – PwC, 16.01.23
- Leaders need to empower and engage their people like never before if they are to withstand the pressures of today’s economic environment and long-term disruptors.
- Hear from our Global Chairman Bob Moritz live at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos as he discusses the key survey findings and insights we’ve collected from 4,410 CEOs across 105 different countries and territories.
How to shift strategy for a new geostrategic era in 2023 – EY, 12.22
- The importance of geopolitics to corporate strategies is at its highest level in a generation; executives need to manage political opportunities and risks.
- Governments’ pursuit of self-sufficiency will be driven by geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainties and environmental sustainability.
- Geopolitical developments are likely to continue to influence supply chain strategies, shift investment destinations and push up costs for companies.
11 prognoze despre lumea business-ului în 2023 – Ionuț Bonoiu, Forbes România, 4.01.23
- Goldman Sachs – This Cycle Is Different
- JP Morgan – A bad year for the economy, a better year for markets
- Morgan Stanley – Applying the Lessons of a Turbulent Year to 2023
- Blackrock – A new investment playbook
- HSBC – Looking for the Silver Lining
- Barclays – Living with shock and awe
- UBS – Calm waters turn choppy
- Credit Suisse – A fundamental reset
- BNP Parisbas – Investing in an age of transformation
- Deutsche Bank – Resilience versus recession
- ING – ‘May he live in interesting times’
The 2023 outlook research report dump – Financial Times, 4.01.23
Amid the holiday torpor, some semi-useful content has actually floated around LinkedIn — extensive round-ups of investment bank and asset manager outlook reports on what to expect this year.
The outlook for 2023 is uncertain, but here’s what we know about the global labour market – Allen Blue, Co-Founder and Vice-President, Products, LinkedIn, WEF, 18.01.23
Global Wage Report 2022-23 – ILO, 11.22
The impact of COVID-19 and inflation on wages and purchasing power.
- 3 things manufacturers must focus on to thrive in 2023 – Francisco Betti, Head, Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing & Value Chains, WEF, 18.01.23
- This is how entrepreneurship will change in 2023 – Rishi Khosla, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, OakNorth, WEF, 14.01.23
10 FinTech Trends to Watch in 2023: Staying Ahead in the Digital Finance Revolution – FinExtra, 21.02.23
Business trends, risks and people to watch in 2023 – Financial Times, 2.01.23
What to look for this year in the corporate world in sectors from energy to private capital and technology.
Being ready for anything is top priority for 2023 – Peter Thal Larsen, Reuters, 3.01.23
Anyone trying to think about what 2023 will bring is confronted by a staggering array of possibilities. This is why many chief executives and investors have dispensed with forecasts, preferring to plan for a range of scenarios. Some of these are specific: What happens if Chinese President Xi Jinping orders an invasion of Taiwan? What if Putin unleashes tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine? What if a cyberattack cripples critical infrastructure? In many cases, just envisaging possibilities requires a leap of imagination.
Three Economic Stories to Watch in 2023 – Adam Tooze, FP, 01.23
The downturn in the U.S. housing market, the yield curve control of the Bank of Japan, and the debt crisis in Africa.
Riscuri și provocări macroeconomice – perspective pentru 2023 – Cosmin Marinescu, 10.12.23
What Will the Global Economy Look Like in 2023? – Walter Frick, HBR, 16.12.22
HBR asked three experts about what to expect for the economy in 2023, and how things have evolved since October.
- 2023 Will Test Companies’ Commitment to Social Responsibility – HBR, 19.12.22
L’OCDE écarte une récession de l’économie mondiale en 2023 – boursorama, 22.11.22
High Rates, Slow China, Broken World: Three Risks for 2023 – CNBC, 11.22
- Tom Orlik, Chief Economist, Bloomberg Economics speaks at the 2022 Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore.
5 ways digitalization can help build global resilience in 2023 – Börje Ekholm, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson, WEF, 16.01.23
How to build resilience in 2023 and beyond – McKinsey, 12.22
2023 is likely to start off on a high note—of interest rates and cost of capital, that is. For companies to thrive in this “higher for longer” era, they need structural solutions that not only manage costs but also build resilience and drive long-term value creation.
energie / climă
What’s the global energy outlook for 2023? – WEF, 16.01.23
Why 2023 will be a year of climate action – Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, President, Open Society Foundations, WEF, 16.01.23
apă / agri
Don’t Forget About Water in 2023 – Antonia Colibasanu, Geopolitical Futures, 18.01.23
This finite resource will have plenty of countries on edge in the coming year.
Four ways to make 2023 count in the pursuit of resilient and sustainable food systems – Berry Marttin, Member of the Executive Board, Rabobank, Agnes Kalibata, President, AGRA, WEF, 12.01.23
Gartner Top 10 Strategic Predictions for 2023 and Beyond – Gartner, 12.22
Is your organization ready to turn uncertainty into opportunity? These predictions help you (re)imagine what your organization might need to prepare for.
Tech Trends 2023 – Deloitte, 12.22
Deloitte’s 14th annual Tech Trends report explores the impact of emerging technologies on groundbreaking innovations and foundational business areas. Stories of pioneering organizations show what’s happening now, describe what’s new, and project what could be coming next.
- Tech Trends 2023 Prologue – Deloitte, 12.22
A C-suite united on cyber-ready futures – PwC, 10.22
Findings from the 2023 Global Digital Trust Insights
New year’s resolutions for tech in 2023 – McKinsey, 6.01.23
McKinsey Technology leaders offer their insights on how business leaders can make the most of tech this year.
+ Where Is Tech Going in 2023? – HBR, 6.01.23
CES 2023: Key trends – WundermanThomas, 9.01.23
CES 2023: Tech Trends and Gadgets to Expect – WSJ, 3.01.23
- The global trade show CES kicking off this week has been the place for startups to showcase their technologies to potential future partners and customers.
- But the show has been disrupted by the pandemic the past couple of years, and a looming economic downturn has taken a toll on tech companies big and small.
- Top 18 New Technology Trends for 2023 – simply learn, 24.01.23
- Technology to watch: 5 key trends for 2023 – WEF, 19.01.23
- These are the technology trends that will shape our lives in 2023 – CNN, 5.01.23
- Going mainstream: four Web3 developments to watch in 2023 – WEF, 4.01.23
- The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2023 – ny times, 29.12.22
. - The Top 10 Tech Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Be Ready For – Bernard Marr, Forbes, 11.22
- Three tech trends on the verge of a breakthrough in 2023 – ZdNet, 11.22
- Top 10 Technology Trends that will shape 2023 – Plain Concepts, 11.22
- New Technology Trends in 2023 – mind majix, 12.22
inovație / creativitate
Innovation Report 2022 – Samsung, 16.01.23
Despre sustenabilitate și ESG, responsabilitatea consumatorilor și a companiilor, concepte precum Reboot, Rebuild sau economie circulară, precum și impactul pozitiv al tehnologiei în educație.
Clean energy, deeptech and food technology: the technology trends that will shape innovation in 2023 – BBVA, 2.01.23
The Future 100: 2023 – WundermanThompson, 01.23
Predictions 2023: Fortune Favors The Bold And Focused – Forrester, 01.23
Accenture Life Trends 2023: Control and Power – Accenture, 01.23
This year, people are seeking ways to adapt in an uncertain world. We’ve identified five emerging trends that will alter the power dynamic between brands and customers in the coming 12 months and beyond.
- Cele cinci tendinţe care vor influenţa business-ul în anul 2023 – bursa, 13.01.23
Dentsu Creative 2023 Trends – Dentsu, 01.23
Report named “A Tale of New Cities” explores the modern dualities of progress and regression, optimism and anxiety, a shifting balance of old and new, technology and humanity, innovation, and tradition. Increasingly volatility, conflict, recession, climate change, and inflation have become our global reality, and it has an effect to how brands communicate. Most relevant for brands is that in response to above, new patterns of influence are emerging as people look to new sources of leadership and inspiration.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023 – Nic Newman, Reuters Institute, 10.02.23
- 22 findings from the Reuters Institute’s research in 2022 still relevant in 2023 – Reuters Institute, 12.22
From news avoidance to audience trust and newsroom diversity, our researchers have covered key issues in the past 12 months.
Adobe Stock 2023 creative trends forecast: Seeking inspiration and authenticity – Adobe, 10.06.22
Europe outlook 2023 – EIU, 12.22
Energy market dynamics in 2023 will be just as challenging for Europe as in 2022, and input costs will remain high for years. This will make some industries uncompetitive, leading to a loss of global market share. Our latest report, Europe outlook 2023, explores which sectors will be worst affected
EU: What lies ahead in 2023 – Euractiv, 01.23
In this special report, EURACTIV journalists look at what lies ahead when it comes to EU policy and politics in 2023 – the last full year for the current European Commission and Parliament before the next election in spring 2024.
- EU politics 2023 lookahead: A relative calm before the election storm – Euractiv, 10.01.23
- EU economic policy in 2023: The great unlevelling? – Euractiv, 5.01.23
- EU aims to agree new energy efficiency law in 2023 – Euractiv, 9.01.23
- Stage set for fight over EU’s 2030 renewable energy target – Euractiv, 28.12.22
- Digital policy ranks low on Swedish EU presidency’s priority list – Euractiv, 4.01.23
- Gene editing, CAP, pesticides: What does 2023 hold for the EU agrifood sector? – Euractiv, 4.01.23
Pe agenda UE în 2023: energie, război și competitivitate economică –, 4.01.23
- EU institutions agree on joint priorities for 2023 and 2024 – European Commission, 15.12.22
- Coming up in 2023: renewables, digital transformation, migration – European Parliament, 27.12.22
Conscious uncoupling: Europeans’ Russian gas challenge in 2023 – Szymon Kardaś, ECFR, 13.02.23
- 2023 în așteptarea lui 2024: anul electoral din Europa Centrală și de Est va fi marcat de un moment revoluționar – Wojciech Przybylski, pressone, 8.02.23
- Pivotal elections, cultural capitals, NATO’s next boss: Emerging Europe in 2023 – Craig Turp-Balazs, Emerging Europe, 31.12.22
- Five emerging Europe stories to keep an eye on in 2023 – Craig Turp-Balazs, Emerging Europe, 4.01.23
- The Europe we should aim for in 2023 – Andrew Wrobel, Emerging Europe, 1.10.23
Teamă de război sau speranțe pentru pace – care sunt așteptările oamenilor din Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est pentru 2023? – DW, 27.12.22
The war in Ukraine: Russia’s ruptured relations with the West – EIU, 02.23
A year on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the war is entering a transitional phase that looks set to end in stalemate. Both sides have suffered heavy losses, but are unlikely to agree to concessions this year. How will continued sanctions and Russia’s shrinking economy affect geopolitics in 2023?
- Prevenirea amenințărilor de origine rusă în 2023: trei domenii prioritare de reducere a riscurilor pentru Occident – Denis Cenușă, contributors, 12.01.23
- Războiul Rusiei în Ucraina și implicațiile sale extinse pentru anul 2023 – Silviu Nate, contributors, 12.01.23
. - The second year of Russia’s war: Scenarios for the Ukraine conflict in 2023 – Gustav Gressel, ECFR, 7.02.23
Russia is likely to make some progress in the first half of 2023, but it may lack the capability to hold on to its gains. - A Year of Victory – Edward Lucas, CEPA, 1.01.23
2023 could go far better for Ukraine than many expect. - Ukraine — What Will 2023 Bring? – Kseniya Kirillova, CEPA, 4.01.23
It was a brutal 2022 for Ukraine. What can the last 10 months of all-out war tell us about the coming year? - Peace May Be a Long Way Off in Ukraine in 2023 – FP, 30.12.23
Both sides believe they can win on the battlefield. By Eugene Chausovsky, a senior analyst at the Newlines Institute - Ucraina va învinge Rusia din punct de vedere militar în 2023 – GMF, 12.22
EU’s Assistance to Ukraine: Looking Ahead to 2023 – GLOBSEC, 12.22
Two geostrategic challenges for 2023: Ukraine and Iran – Wolfgang Ischinger, politico, 5.01.23
Addressing Kyiv’s desire to become a NATO member and deciding how to deal with the regime in Tehran will be of particular importance in the year ahead.
What in the World Will Happen in 2023? – Richard Haass, PS, 2.01.23
The sleeper story of the coming year will be Japan’s emergence as a major geopolitical actor. And, for the first time since the fall of the Shah in 1979, the future of the Islamic Republic will be in serious doubt.
23 things we think will happen in 2023 – Future Perfect/ Vox, 2.01.23
Will Biden and Trump remain the frontrunners? Will Putin remain in charge of Russia? Will China start a war? These and other forecasts of the year to come.
The Director’s Annual Lecture 2023 – Chatham House, 10.01.23
Bronwen Maddox looks ahead to the challenges of the year and sets out Chatham House’s recommendations for change.
- What will progress look like on the climate agenda?
- How will the new US Congress reposition America’s role in the world?
- What does the North/South divergence on Russia’s war in Ukraine tell us about shared values and prospects for working together?
- After a turbulent year, how will the UK recover its standing in Europe and beyond?
2023: The year we learn to stop worrying – Mark Leonard, Jeremy Shapiro, ECFR, 6.01.23
Ten predictions for what’s coming in the world of 2023. Plus a Tik-Tok bonus.
- Top ten foreign policy trends for 2023 – ECFR, 4.01.23
Mark Leonard and Jeremy Shapiro forecast the foreign policy trends and events for the year ahead.
What to Watch in 2023 – GMFUS, 6.01.23
- Transatlantic Technology Policy Pipeline 2023 – GMF, 12.22
Technology will remain at the center of policy debates in the United States and the European Union in 2023, with implications for transatlantic cooperation. Here are GMF Digital’s end-of-year tech-related predictions and questions to be answered in the new year.
The World Next Year: What to Watch in 2023 – CFR, 12.22
In this special year-end episode, CFR Senior Fellow Carla Anne Robbins joins James M. Lindsay and Robert McMahon to review the biggest events of 2022 and the stories to keep an eye on next year. They discuss precarious U.S.-China relations, climate change, Russia’s war in Ukraine, Iran’s protests, the state of democracy globally, and more.
- Visualizing 2023: Trends to Watch – CFR, 12.22
Five CFR fellows highlight in charts and graphs some of the most pressing trends to follow in 2023, including the Asia-Pacific’s arms race, the changing relationship between India and Russia, and worsening brain drain in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Top 5 Foreign-Policy Trends We’ll Be Watching in 2023 – FP, 29.12.22
Your go-to guide for what stories to watch in the new year. By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy, and Jack Detsch, a Pentagon and national security reporter at Foreign Policy
What’s Going to Be in Biden’s Inbox in 2023 – FP, 2.01.23
Russia, Ukraine, China, and nukes: Here are the biggest foreign policy challenges facing the U.S. next year. By Amy Mackinnon, Jack Detsch, Robbie Gramer, Rishi Iyengar, and Christina Lu
What to Expect From China in 2023 – FP, 22.12.22
Three experts predict how Beijing will manage China’s economy, the pandemic, protests, Taiwan, and relations with Washington. By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.
Elections to Watch in 2023 – FP, 1.01.23
From Pakistan to Poland, here are this year’s biggest presidential and parliamentary races. By Allison Meakem, an assistant editor at Foreign Policy
- 2023’s Most Important Election Isn’t Where You Think – FP, 6.01.23
Why the world’s eyes will be—or should be—on Nigeria in the coming weeks. By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy
Five Elections to Watch in 2023 – CFR, 12.22
Conflicts to Watch in 2023 – CFR, 4.01.23
For CFR’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey, U.S. foreign policy experts assessed the likelihood and impact of thirty potential conflicts that could emerge or escalate in 2023.
- Great Power Conflict and Development of Nuclear Weapons Are the Top Global Concerns for 2023, CFR Survey Finds – CFR, 4.01.23
10 Conflicts to Watch in 2023 – FP, 1.01.23
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is still reverberating around the world—and setting the stage for more large-scale violence to come. By Comfort Ero, the president and CEO of the International Crisis Group, and Richard Atwood, executive vice president of the International Crisis Group
- Will 2023 Be More Peaceful Than 2022? – FP, 23.12.22
This year saw Russia invade Ukraine, China’s Xi Jinping secure a third term, and Iranians take to the streets. What will 2023 look like? By Emma Ashford, a senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center, and Matthew Kroenig, deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
The 20 humanitarian crises the world cannot ignore in 2023 — and what to do about them – David Miliband, President, International Rescue Committee, WEF, 14.01.23
Why the World Feels Different in 2023 – FP, 12.01.23
From climate negotiations to sports to diplomacy, the global south is becoming more powerful. By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy
- Looking Ahead to 2023 by Looking Back – FP, 4.01.23
What last year’s foreign-policy events can tell us about this year’s. By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University - Stephen Walt on the Underweighted Risks of 2023 – FP, 27.12.23
A realist POV on the war in Ukraine, competition with China, COVID, and more. By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.