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dosarele perioadei

Economic and Social Impacts and Policy Implications of the War in Ukraine – OECD, 17.03.22

OECD: Invazia rusă a Ucrainei ar putea costa Europa până la un punct şi jumătate de creştere – veridica, 3.04.22

Building a resilient recovery – OECD

First lessons from government evaluations of COVID-19 responses: A synthesis – OECD, 22.01.22

din agendă

Countries pledge to step up action on climate and environment at OECD Environment Ministerial – OECD, 31.03.22

The OECD proposes a prototype for the Blue Dot Network to operationalise quality infrastructure projects – 21.03.22

OCDE este de acord cu creşterea taxelor pentru companiile energetice şi citează cazul României – agerpres, 14.03.22

Engaging citizens in cohesion policy – OECD, 9.03.22
DG REGIO and OECD pilot project final report

Services trade liberalised in 2021, showing significant decrease in volume and effects of new measures – 1.02.22

dosare fundamentale

The power of youth. The driving force for change after COVID-19 – OECD

Delivering for Youth 2022 – OECD, 22.03.22

  • Delivering for youth: How governments can put young people at the centre of the recovery compiles the views of youth organisations from 72 countries on their experiences through the COVID-19 crisis and related government action. It offers insight into all publicly available national response and recovery plans across OECD countries.
  • Delivering for youth: How governments can put young people at the centre of the recovery – OECD, 27.03.22

The power of youth – OECD, 20.03.22

  • Young people were hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Giving them a voice in shaping policies is key to helping them bounce back and thrive.

Tax and gender – OECD

Time to break the gender tax bias – OECD, 14.03.22

  • Improving gender equality is an issue of fairness, and a priority for most governments. Working towards more inclusive economies, in which women fully participate, is also important for economic growth. Tax policy can contribute to gender equality, and to governments’ efforts to reduce inequalities. Even in tax systems that do not include explicit gender biases, hidden biases often exist due to the interaction of the tax system with differences in the nature and level of income earned by men and women, consumption decisions and social expectations.
  • New OECD research (Tax Policy on Gender Equality: A Stocktake of Country Approaches) explores the extent to which countries consider and address gender equality in tax policy development and tax administration.
  • Breaking the tax bias: Promoting gender equality in taxation – OECD, 14.03.22

Global Plastics Outlook – OECD

Can we reduce the environmental impact of plastics? – OECD, 22.02.22

  • Plastic waste reached 353 million tonnes in 2019, doubling in just 20 years and exerting immense pressure on the planet. Only 9% is recycled while 22% is dumped in uncontrolled sites, burned in open pits or ends up in rivers and oceans. Policies can help tackle the plastic epidemic.


OECD Report on Public Communication – OECD, 21.12.21
The Global Context and the Way Forward

  1. Empower the public communication function by setting appropriate mandates and developing strategies to guide the delivery of communication in the service of policy objectives and of the open government principles of transparency, integrity, accountability and stakeholder participation; and separating it, to the extent possible, from political communication.
  2. Institutionalise and professionalise communications units to have sufficient capacity, including by embedding the necessary skills and specialisations that are leading the transformation of the field, and ensuring adequate human and financial resources.
  3. Transition towards a more informed communication, built around measurable policy objectives and grounded in evidence, through the acquisition of insights in the behaviours, perceptions, and preferences of diverse publics, and the evaluation of its activities against impact metrics.
  4. Seize the potential of digital tech but responsibly: Digital tools, data, and AI can facilitate greater engagement and inclusion if used ethically and with respect for privacy.
  5. Fight mis and disinformation. Government must be equipped to pre-empt and debunk mis and disinformation through clear practice and guidelines.

OECD releases Pillar Two model rules for domestic implementation of 15% global minimum tax – 20.12.21

LAC Virtual Ministerial Summit on Government Integrity and Citizen Trust – OECD, 12.22

  • Public session of the II Virtual Ministerial Summit on #Government Integrity and Citizen Trust of the OECD Regional Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACRP), on 8, 9 and 10 December 2021.

OECD Economic Outlook 2021: A Balancing Act – OECD, 12.21

Andreas Schleicher, OECD: Educația, sector major lovit de criza Covid-19, atrage sub 1 din 100 de dolari din stimulentele alocate la nivel global pentru refacerea economică și socială, în pandemie – EduPedu, 15.12.21

Pensions protected during COVID-19 pandemic but ageing challenges persist – OECD, 12.21

International Migration Outlook 2021 – OECD, 10.21

OECD 60th anniversary – OECD

OECD 60th Anniversary: OECD Leaders’ Event – 15.12.21

  • French President Emmanuel Macron and the President of the Government of Spain Pedro Sánchez joined OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría as co-hosts for this commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the signature of the OECD Convention on 14 December 2020.

The OECD 60th anniversary: Forging a path for better lives – OECD, 11.21

15 years of Better Policies for Better Lives – OECD, 11.21

  • A tribute to outgoing OECD Secretary-General Gurría‘s leadership at the helm of the Organisation and a trip down memory lane into the OECD’s major achievements in designing better policies for better lives.

Joint effort – Monocle, 103
An elite club for wealthy nations no more: under the guidance of Angel Gurría and his team, the OECD has broadened its membership and kept pace with a perplexing global economy.

  • Group: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Founded: 1961
  • Secretariat staff: 2,500
  • Number of member countries: 35
  • Annual budget: €370m

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