Agenda 2021 – tendințe, prognoze / bilanțuri

ro // covid // societate / mediu / politică / economie / relații internaționale / / sci-tech // media / marcom // arte

The Best Books We Read in 2021 – FP, 26.11.21
A roundup of some of our favorite reads this year. By FP Staff, FP Contributors

The Best of 2021, to Read and to Watch – FP, 25.12.21
From a semi-fictionalized account of the Netanyahus to a meditation on ancient Rome’s stabbiness, here are the best book and film reviews Foreign Policy published this year. By Chloe Hadavas, an assistant editor at Foreign Policy

Around the World in Five Half-Hour Listens – FP, 22.12.21
FP’s five best podcast episodes of 2021. By Dan Ephron, the executive editor for news and podcasts at Foreign Policy.


CE AM ÎNVĂȚAT DIN 2021 – Dumitru Borțun / George Buhnici

10 lucruri bune care s-au întâmplat în 2021, un alt an complicat de pandemie, dar și de probleme economice și sociale – libertatea, 27.12.21

Revenirea din criză a adus în 2021 un record al numărului de salariaţi în ultimii 20 de ani: 5 milioane – zf, 5.02.21

Cum a evoluat piața românească de artă în 2021: de la avioane prezidențiale la NFT-uri și plata în criptomonede – 29.12.21

How Will the History Books Remember 2021? – Politico, 19.12.21
We asked 18 top historians to imagine how this year will be written about a century from now.

regiunea / europa

Evenimentele care au zguduit pilonii europeni în 2021: Polexit-ul juridic, criza migranților din Belarus, legea anti-LGBT din Ungaria, Afganistanul și noile tulpini de COVID – g4media, 30.12.21

ECFR’s top reads of 2021 – ECFR, 21.12.21
As the year draws to a close, ECFR presents a run-down of the ten most popular policy briefs and the ten most popular commentaries

The Year of Living Dangerously (for Russians and Their Neighbors) – FP, 23.12.21
2021 was a year of crackdowns, COVID-19, and saber-rattling. By Amy Mackinnon, a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy

The Year Germany Said Auf Wiedersehen to Angela Merkel – FP, 25.12.21
Germany said goodbye to a generational leader—and hello to an entirely new era. By Cameron Abadi

Turkey’s Tough 2021 – FP, 3.01.22
A dismal economy, climate disasters, and political headaches are likely to persist in 2022 as well. By Liz Cookman, a freelance journalist based in Istanbul covering Turkey, Syria, and the wider Middle East

Bilanțul anului 2021: 5 progrese și provocări în PaE – reziliența pro-UE și noile focare de instabilitate regională – Denis Cenușă, contributors, 29.12.21

bilanțuri globale

Gideon and his team review 2021 – FT, 23.12.21
Gideon Rachman, the Financial Times chief foreign affairs columnist talks to the decision-makers and thinkers who are shaping world affairs.

The Year Vaccines Changed (Most) of the World – FP, 22.12.21
In 2021, the biggest vaccination drive in global history affected everything from public health to diplomacy. By Stefan Theil, a deputy editor at Foreign Policy

What 2021 Meant for the Fight Against Climate Change – FP, 28.12.21
Time to avoid climate change’s worse impacts is running out. What did 2021 change? By Chloe Hadavas, an assistant editor at Foreign Policy

How the Energy Crisis Made 2021 Feel Like the ’70s – FP, 22.12.21
High power prices. Rolling blackouts. Dwindling supplies. And a cascade of economic and political turmoil felt around the world. By Keith Johnson, a senior staff writer at Foreign Policy

Gabriel Boric Bookends a Year of Demands for a New Social Contract – FP, 24.12.21
This year, voters from Chile to Honduras to Peru elected leftist leaders who promised to ease endemic inequality. By Catherine Osborn, the writer of Foreign Policy’s weekly Latin America Brief

Why Can’t We Be Friends? – FP, 28.12.21
Biden pledged to restore the United States’ alliances. It’s been a bigger headache than he anticipated. By Jack Detsch, Foreign Policy’s Pentagon and national security reporter

The Biggest National Security Stories of 2021 – FP, 23.12.21
Plus, a holiday reading list for fellow NatSec wonks. By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy, and Jack Detsch, Foreign Policy’s Pentagon and national security reporter

The Chinese Communist Party’s Big Year – FP, 28.12.21
China’s government wants the country to have one story, and Xi Jinping is at the center of it. By James Palmer, a deputy editor at Foreign Policy

U.S.-China Relations Hit a Nadir in 2021 – FP, 29.12.21
Relations between the world’s two largest economic powers are at historic lows. By James Palmer, a deputy editor at Foreign Policy

In 2021, Lebanon Suffered While the World Looked On – FP, 26.12.21
Skyrocketing inflation, government corruption, and international apathy defined a country in economic free fall. By Kelly Kimball, the social media editor at Foreign Policy

The Iran Nuclear Deal’s Long Year of Negotiations and Uncertainty – FP, 24.12.21
2021 saw a change in Iran’s government and on-again, off-again nuclear talks. By Cameron Abadi

The Year Kabul Fell Again – FP, 21.12.21
A stunning Taliban takeover left Afghanistan—and the world—transformed. By Chloe Hadavas, an assistant editor at Foreign Policy

How Narendra Modi Nearly Lost His Way in 2021 – FP, 24.12.21
India’s farmers’ protests and COVID-19 catastrophe may have slowed the prime minister’s rise. By Audrey Wilson, an associate editor at Foreign Policy

How South Asia Shocked the World in 2021 – FP, 23.12.21
From India’s pandemic crisis to the fall of Kabul, the region delivered some of the year’s biggest stories. By Michael Kugelman, the writer of Foreign Policy’s weekly South Asia Brief

prognoze globale

Top Strategic Predictions for 2021 and Beyond – Gartner, 23.03

  • While COVID19 disrupted global business in unprecedented ways, it also accelerated trends that were previously thought to be farther off into the future. Explore 3 of our strategic predictions for this year and beyond in this video. Get the Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021 e-book:

Climate, Biden, and Signs of Hope for 2021 – GZERO World, 20.01

  • Only a few weeks into 2021, that ‘fresh new start’ that so many had been hoping for at the end of 2020 has not exactly materialized. But what gives World Bank President David Malpass hope for the coming year? “The promise of humanity and of technology, people working together with communication, where they can share ideas. It allows an incredible advance for living standards.” His wide-ranging conversation with Ian Bremmer was part of the latest episode of GZERO World.

What does 2021 hold? Here are predictions from around the world – WEF, 11.01

Pitfalls, opportunities and the people to watch in 2021 – FT, 6.01

Reasons to be hopeful in 2021 – The Observer, 27.12


Ce spun 12 antreprenori români despre anul 2021: Prima parte a anulu va fi dificilă, să vedem cum va fi revenirea din S2 – ZF, 17.01

O prognoză pentru 2021: Va fi foarte greu de respectat vreo prognoză. Echilibru foarte fragil între creșterea economică și consolidarea bugetară – CdG, 5.01

Ce putem aștepta în mod realist de la 2021 – Adrian Mihăilțianu, PressOne, 4.01

Zece prognoze pentru 2021 – Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, 29.30.20


Billions will not receive a COVID-19 vaccine in 2021 – ReliefWeb, 12.01

L’année 2021 verra-t-elle la fin du Covid-19 ? – RFI, 10.01

Collaboration on health will be the new normal in 2021 – Mint, 30.12

Will We Be Better Prepared To Face The Pandemic In 2021? – NPR, 27.12

Reasons for Hope: COVID & the Coming Year | Vaccine Rollout, Global Politics | GZERO Media Town Hall – 9.12

It has been nine months since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. What are the challenges the world faces in tackling COVID in the year ahead, and where are there reasons for hope?
  • It has been nine months since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. What are the challenges the world faces in tackling COVID in the year ahead, and where are there reasons for hope?

Pandémie de Covid-19 : 2021 ressemblera-t-elle à 2020 ? – 21.12

  • Cette semaine, les États-Unis s’apprêtent à donner leur feu vert à un deuxième vaccin contre le Covid-19, alors que l’épidémie connaît un rebond spectaculaire. En France, le président Emmanuel Macron a été testé positif au virus. Au Maghreb, dix ans se sont écoulés depuis l’immolation du vendeur ambulant Mohamed Bouazizi, à l’origine de la révolution en Tunisie. Enfin, retour en France avec la fin du procès des attentats de janvier 2015, qui avaient fait 17 victimes. Des peines allant de quatre ans de prison à la perpétuité ont été prononcées à l’encontre des quatorze accusés poursuivis.

2021-2022: Vaccine economics – EulerHermes, 18.12


Why 2021 could be turning point for tackling climate change – BBC, 1.01.21

Climate change: 2021 will be cooler but still in top six warmest – BBC, 18.12


2021 Year for the Elimination of Child Labour – Kick-off event

  • In a series of interviews, videos and presentations, partners at the forefront of the fight against child labour will share their expectations and plans for 2021. Stakeholders will explain the challenges they face and provide ideas on how everyone can contribute throughout the year.

2021: International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour – ReliefWeb, 15.01

Mental health is one of the biggest pandemic issues we’ll face in 2021 – CNN, 4.01.21

UN: 10.4M children to face acute malnutrition in 2021 – Anadolu, 30.12.20

10 global health issues to track in 2021 – ReliefWeb, 24.12

  • So in 2021, countries around the world will need to continue battle COVID-19 (albeit with the knowledge that effective tools are evolving). They will need to move swiftly to repair and reinforce their health systems so they can deliver these tools, and to address the key societal and environmental issues that result in some sections of the population suffering so much more than others.

Reasons for Hope: COVID and the Coming Year | A GZERO Media Town Hall – 4.12

  • GZERO Media is partnering with Eurasia Group and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to discuss the road ahead in the global response to the COVID crisis. Will there be more multilateral cooperation on issues like gender equality moving forward from the pandemic?


Will the 2020s Really Become the Next Roaring Twenties? – Steve Le Vine, 14.01

9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond – HBR, 14.01

Living, working and COVID-19 – Eurofund, 01.21

2021: the European Year of Rail – EU News, 11.01

Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2021 – Visual Capitalist, 5.01

Réponses d’experts : L’économie mondiale va-t-elle réussir à rebondir en 2021? – WB, 5.01

  • La pandémie de COVID-19 a plongé l’économie mondiale dans sa pire crise depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Aujourd’hui, l’espoir généré par les vaccins pourrait mener à la reprise. Alors que pouvons-nous attendre dans les mois à venir? Ayan Kose, le vice-président de la Banque mondiale pour la croissance équitable et les institutions financières, répond à nos questions.

The next normal arrives: Trends that will define 2021—and beyond – McKinsey, 4.01

2021 Outlook: A Quick Recovery but a Slew of New Economic Problems – FP, 1.01
As COVID-19 is conquered, the global economy will spring back swiftly. But the old problems that fed populist politics have only grown worse—and may be even harder to solve. By Michael Hirsh

What’s Ahead For The Economy In 2021? – NPR, 1.01.21

Vaccinarea alimentează speranţele într-o creştere record a zonei euro în 2021. Pandemia va lăsa însă cicatrici profunde – 30.12.20

Here’s Where The Jobs Will Be In 2021 – Forbes, 21.12

OECD gives potentially optimistic outlook for 2021 – DW, 1.12

  • The global output will return to pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2021 after witnessing a sharp 4.2% decline this year, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said in its economic outlook released on Tuesday.
  • The 37-member OECD projects global GDP to rise by around 4.2% in 2021 and by a further 3.7% in 2022, helped by COVID-19 vaccine rollouts and accommodative fiscal and monetary policies. The recovery will be led by China, which is forecast to grow by 8% next year, accounting for over one-third of world economic growth.
  • Currently this year the world economy is on course to plunge into its worst recession since the Second World War as the coronavirus forced half the world’s population to remain indoors, virtually shutting global businesses, trade and travel. Any hopes of a quick recovery were dashed by subsequent waves of the virus, which has killed about 1.5 million people.

Top 21 Projects Completing in 2021 – 30.12.20

Why the U.S. Economy Will Take Off in 2021 – WSJ, 10.12.20
Three shocks battered the economy in 2020. Next year could be the start of a more resilient and sustainable boom.


Top 8 prognoze pentru statele PaE în 2021 – între “contestare” și “reînnoire” – Denis Cenușă,, 18.01

European elections to watch in 2021 – Politico, 4.01
Germany will pick a successor to Merkel and voters in the Netherlands, the UK and elsewhere also have big decisions to make.

Coming up: EU spearheads efforts for recovery in 2021 – EU News, 4.01

2020 was a terrible year for Europe. 2021 is unlikely to be much better – CNN, 1.01.21

#Allemagne : fin de l’ère Merkel en 2021 – 1.01.21

Russia: the year ahead – 22.01

  • 2020 was eventful for Russia: a new government and prime minister were instated; sweeping constitutional changes were introduced; Alexei Navalny was poisoned with Novichok; and the coronavirus had a significant impact on the country.
  • What does 2021 hold? What should we expect, and what surprises should we be alert to? What are the issues and trends that will drive events and dominate attention? And what are the implications for other countries? Our expert panel explores these and other questions.


Southeast Asia must prepare for the worst in 2021 – Nikkei Asia, 27.12

Predictions for Asia in 2021 – 17.12

  • Five experts reflect on the past year and make predictions on what 2021 will look like across the Asia Pacific. We hear from author and Chairman and CEO of Hong Kong-based private equity firm PAG Weijian Shan, Chairman and Chief Executive of Afghanistan media company MOBY Group Saad Mohseni, former CIA analyst and senior fellow for Korea at the Center for Strategic and International Studies Sue Mi Terry, Bloomberg columnist and editor Bobby Ghosh, and the Head of Global G10 FX Research at Standard Chartered Bank Steven Englander. The conversation was moderated by Asia Society Executive Vice President Tom Nagorski.

Asia 2021 – Asia Society, 15.12

  • A panel of experts look ahead to 2021 and predict what the new year will bring for Asia, the United States, and the world. Participants include Steven Englander, head of global G10 FX research and North America macro strategy for Standard Chartered Bank; Bobby Ghosh, columnist and member of the editorial board, Bloomberg; Saad Mohseni, chairman and chief executive of the MOBY GROUP and an Asia 21 Young Leader; Weijian Shan, chairman and CEO of PAG; and Sue Mi Terry, senior fellow for Korea at the Center for International and Strategic Studies. The conversation was moderated by Asia Society Executive Vice President Tom Nagorski.

relații internaționale / securitate

ECFR Annual Foreign Policy Trends – ECFR, 15.01.21

Conflicts to Watch in 2021 – CFR, 14.01
In CFR’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey, U.S. foreign policy experts assess the likelihood and impact of thirty potential conflicts that could emerge or escalate in the coming year.

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021 – CH, 13.01

  • This event will explore crucial questions about modern conflict in a COVID-affected world through the lens of International Crisis Group’s annual report 10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021.
  • What lessons in cooperation and coordination should the international community draw from the past year? Given technological advances in warfare capabilities, will conflict transcend into unconventional battlegrounds? And what are the key challenges for global security and democratic governance?

Essential Geopolitics 2021 Extremism – Strafor, 11.01

NATO Secretary General: 2021 will be a pivotal year – NATO, 6.01

Will 2021 be our year? – UN, 6.01

  • From political views to classifying favourite holiday movies, our world is bitterly divided. But If there is one thing we all seem to agree on, it is that the year 2020 has been an annus horribilis.

Quel monde en 2021? – Le Dessous des cartes, 6.01

  • La lutte contre la Covid-19 sera-t-elle à nouveau le fil rouge de la géopolitique de ces douze prochains mois ? Peut-on espérer une embellie économique dès 2021 ? La Chine de Xi Jinping va-t-elle poursuivre son expansion stratégique ? Avec l’entrée en fonction de Joe Biden, doit-on s’attendre à un changement de cap de la politique américaine ? Est-ce que 2021 peut être une année charnière pour le projet européen ?
  • Entretien avec Thierry de Montbrial, fondateur et directeur de l’Institut Français des Relations Internationales.

World peace in the 21st century? The hopes of an expert – France24, 5.01

  • To tackle almost all of the world’s major issues, the first challenge is to bring peace. Unless the world is peaceful, you can never get the levels of trust and cooperation needed to combat for example climate change, or bring fresh water to all. That’s according to Steve Killelea, author of the book “Peace in the Age of Chaos”. He also created the Global Peace Index. He spoke to us about his hopes for 2021.

China – Africa: Top 10 issues going into 2021 – The Africa Report, 4.01.21

How the world could change in 2021 – FT, 30.12.20

  • FT journalists make their predictions for the coming year. Chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman, Asia editor Jamil Anderlini, global business columnist Rana Foroohar, Latin America editor Michael Stott and Africa Editor David Pilling, give their views on the pandemic, US-China relations, key upcoming elections, and Brexit.

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021 – FP, 29.12
The world in 2021 will be haunted by the legacies of 2020: an ongoing pandemic, an economic crisis, Donald Trump’s divisive presidency—and new threats emanating from wars and climate change. By Robert Malley

Health to be on cyber-security’s front line in 2021 – BBC, 29.12

2021 Security Forecast – 28.12

Et tu 2021? Assessing the geopolitical challenges of the coming year – IISS, 21.12

  • Researchers from across the IISS contributed their thoughts on the key geopolitical and security challenges from 2020 that will likely continue far into 2021. Among these, Meia, Sarah and Nigel discuss the continuing decline of multilateralism and the rules-based international order, the challenge of growing extraterritoriality in the Middle East and elsewhere, as well as the future of the US–China rivalry during a Biden presidency. 

The top 10 crises the world should be watching in 2021 –, 16.12

  • The 2021 Emergency Watchlist reveals the world is facing unprecedented humanitarian emergencies—as well as a political crisis of inaction by world leaders. Learn more and find out how to help.

2021 Could Be the Year of Free Trade – FP, 10.12
The Free Trade Area of the Americas has spent years on the back burner, but Biden could revive it when he takes office. By Ryan C. Berg, Lauri Tähtinen


Why 2021 can and should be the year for breakthrough collaboration – WEF, 25.01

The New Wave of Innovation Is Cause For Business Optimism About 2021 – 21.01

  • Kevin Sneader, Global Managing Partner at McKinsey & Company, provides perspective on what corporate business leaders are thinking during the global coronavirus crisis: Should businesses be pessimistic or optimistic about 2021?

Robots Ready to Grow in 2021 – Industry Week, 12.01

The tech trends to look out for in 2021 – France24, 11.01

  • In this edition, we take a look back at the tech breakthroughs that occurred in 2020 and bring you a glimpse at what lies ahead for 2021. Here’s a hint: say goodbye to the Internet of Things and hello to the Internet of Behaviours!

2021 : à quoi va ressembler votre année tech ? – 8.01

  • L’intelligence artificielle se rachète une conscience. Les femmes prennent le pouvoir dans la recherche. Et les startups scientifiques font la une. Bienvenue en 2021 !

2021 Could Be a Banner Year for AI—If We Solve These 4 Problems – SingularityHub, 5.01

2021 în știință și tehnologie – Andrei Mihăilțianu, PressOne, 5.01

The 11 biggest space missions of 2021 (and their chances of success) – MIT Tech Review, 4.01

9 IT resolutions for 2021 – CIO, 4.01
IT leaders share their visions on how they hope to transform their teams, their organizations, and themselves in the new year.

Predictions for 2021: Welcome to the New Uncertainty –

The science events to watch for in 2021 – Nature, 22.12
Climate change and COVID-19 vaccines are among the themes set to shape research.

CES 2021: 10 Rumors And Trends You Can Expect – 22.12

10 AI Predictions For 2021 – Forbes, 22.12

The science events to watch for in 2021 – Nature, 22.12
Climate change and COVID-19 vaccines are among the themes set to shape research.

4 trends fueling hybrid-work strategies in 2021 – CIO, 22.12
In 2021, IT leaders will equip reconfigured corporate offices with hoteling and contract-tracing tools and automate more business processes while extending their cybersecurity coverage.


Tendințele din mass-media pe anul 2021, conform Institutului Reuters –, 15.01


AdWeek: 2021 Outlook


Creative Trends 2021 – Adobe, 1.01
Across all creative mediums, the 2021 trends feel especially meaningful—reflecting a range of reactions to the past year, and the hopeful, regenerative spirit with which we face the year ahead.

văzute din 2020

Tendințe și perspective în 2021 – ICDE, 12.21

The top ten risks and opportunities for 2021 – Atlantic Council, 16.12

Technology, policy, and leadership in 2021 and beyond – Atlantic Council, 16.12

The World in 2021 – The Diplomat, 15.12

  • How 2020’s Challenges Will Pave the Way for Future Growth.

The World in 2021: five stories to watch out for – The Economist, 24.12

  • The World in 2021 will start to look beyond covid-19: to the launch of an asteroid-smashing space probe, the next step in the fight against climate change and China’s supremacy at the box office. Here are five stories to watch out for.

The World In 2021 – The Economist, 12.20

The World in 2021 – Australian Institute of International Affairs, 20.10.20


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