Agenda 2020 – tendințe, prognoze / bilanțuri

perspective asupra anului 2020 – din ajun, de pe parcurs / și de la final

2020 was worse than you thought. Here’s why – CNN, 23.03

  • A new report shows that democracy took a hit in 2020, with 73 nations — including the United States — declining in their Freedom House democracy scores.

ONU: 2020 a fost unul dintre cei mai călduroşi trei ani înregistraţi vreodată. Toate regiunile au cunoscut fenomene meteorologice extreme fără precedent – 15.01

2020 was Europe’s hottest, weirdest year – Politico, 8.01
Fires, floods and landslides were all part of a record-breaking year for Europe’s climate.

5 Most Memorable Science Moments And Firsts Of 2020: NASA/SpaceX To COVID-19 Vaccine – Newsweek, 01.21

  • 2020 brought new scientific advancements in health, technology, space, and research. As the year winds down, the expeditions and experiments cease to stop. Here are some of the most memorable discoveries and firsts in science that happened in 2020, including a historic ocean dive and a COVID-19 vaccine.

WSJ Reports: Year in Review

2020 in Review – Wired, 12.20

The Year in Review – FP, 12.20

The Best Deep Dives of 2020 – FP, 31.12
Essential reads from a Chinese wind farm in Del Rio, Texas, to U.N. headquarters.

Our Top Arguments of 2020 – FP, 31.12
From the pandemic to Black Lives Matter and the U.S. election, five articles from the year that changed everything.

Our Top Stories of 2020 – FP, 31.12
From human rights abuses in Xinjiang to the coronavirus crisis in the United States, here are the stories that most captivated our readers this year.

Foreign Policy News Stories That Packed a Punch in 2020 – FP, 30.12
From the tragedy of whistleblowers to imperiled nuclear talks to the State Department’s struggle with diversity, here are some of our articles that had an outsized impact this year. By Keith Johnson

How Press Freedom Came Under Attack in 2020 – FP, 30.12
Citizens hungry for information turned to the media during the pandemic, but governments around the world used the crisis to restrict journalists. By Meera Selva

These Foreign-Policy Moments Defined 2020 – FP, 30.12
U.S. foreign policy has been thrown for a loop over the course of the 2020 presidential campaign. Our reporters recount some of the highlights—or lowlights. By Jack Detsch

7 Reasons Why Silicon Valley Will Have a Tough Time With the Biden Administration – FP, 29.12
The coziness between Washington and Big Tech is over.

How China Fought the Pandemic—and Lied About It – 29.12
A look back at our best essays on the onset of the coronavirus.

For Beijing and New Delhi, 2020 Was the Point of No Return – FP, 29.12
After decades of uneasy ties, China can no longer deny that India is a real threat. By Harsh V. Pant

The Best of 2020 to Read, Watch, or Listen To – FP, 28.12
With much of the world in lockdown again, here are some of this year’s highlights to help you pass the time.

The New Geopolitics of Energy – FP, 21.12
Foreign Policy’s five best reads on the dramatic shift in energy policy in 2020. By Keith Johnson

2020 – din acest an bizar, ce ne vom aduce aminte? A de la Armenia & Azerbaidjan, B de la Biden, C de la covid… şi Z de la Zoom? – Adrian Cioroianu, 30.12

Ce a fost în 2020, ce am prognozat la începutul anului şi ce ne-a adus această criză. Noroc că tiparniţele cu bani au funcţionat non-stop, ceea ce a permis ţinerea economiilor pe linia de plutire şi a angajaţilor acasă. Marele câştig, scăderea dobânzilor la lei şi stabilitatea cursului valutar – Cristian Hostiuc, ZF, 28.01

Space in 2020: A year of cosmic marvels and scientific endeavour – 28.12

2020/2021 : la parole aux penseurs africains Nadia Yala Kisukidi et Mamadou Diouf – 28.12

  • Soixante ans après les indépendances de 17 pays africains, où en est la “décolonisation des savoirs” ? En cette fin d’année 2020, une année bien particulière, nous vous proposons un débat d’idées entre deux penseurs : Nadia Yala Kisukidi, maîtresse de conférences en philosophie à l’université Paris-VIII et co-commissaire de la Biennale de Kinshasa Yango II, et Mamadou Diouf, professeur à l’Institut d’études africaines de l’université Columbia à New York et historien spécialiste de l’empire colonial français.

Made on Earth. Road to Recovery – BBC

  • The world’s trading routes have seen a year like no other in 2020. Many industries, makers and markets have responded to the coronavirus pandemic with ingenuity. Made on Earth: Road to Recovery, explores how the trade in eight everyday products are adapting – from bicycles to whisky, spices to semiconductors – and how resilience and innovation are redefining the way the world trades.

Time capsule 2020: The 37 objects that defined the year – BBC, 26.12

Speranțe pentru viitor. Veștile bune ale anului 2020, pe care le-am ratat din cauza pandemiei de COVID-19 – Libertatea, 26.12

CuriosITy 56 – Tehnologiile Anului 2020 – 26.12

2020 in review: Oil price crash, digital tax and Covid-19 shopping – 24.12

  • As 2020 draws to a close, we look back on some of the big and overlooked business stories of the year. What happened to the oil supply glut that sent prices plunging below zero in April? Will a new global deal on how to tax digital firms ever be agreed on? Plus: a look at some of the items shoppers did and didn’t buy over the year.

The World in 2020: Did Covid bring out the best or the worst in humanity? – 24.12

  • “It’s as if humanity was attacked by aliens and many people sided with the aliens,” argues The Independent’s Borzou Daragahi.
  • In The World This Week’s look back at 2020, The Daily Beast’s Barbie Latza Nadeau & France 24’s Leela Jacinto discuss how we clapped for carers yet when #Covid and #lockdown hit, greed, fear and political opportunism prompted some to abdicate their responsibility in a crisis.

The World in 2020: Pandemic year, US elections, Black Lives Matter, Samuel Paty, Nagorno-Karabakh – 24.12

  • We did not see it coming. An invisible foe indifferent to man-made borders. The world’s greatest pandemic in a century triggered fear, anxiety, sometimes the worst but also the best in humanity. In Italy and elsewhere, we clapped for care workers who appropriately bore the name of frontline workers, heading into battle desperately short of protective equipment, at times sacrificing their own lives. Then, without masks or enough information about what had hit us, came lockdown.

Cum a schimbat pandemia geopolitica în 2020 – ZF, 24.12

These pictures perfectly encapsulate what happened in 2020 – DW, 24.12

Examining The Biggest 2020 Headlines Around The World – NBC, 22.12

How the Guardian covered 2020 – the year that changed the world – 21.12

2020: Year of Protest in Central and Eastern Europe – GMF, 22.12

  • What is, in the short and long term, the transformative impact of recent protests in the three countries and the region broadly? How sustainable is this new civic resistance in the face of authoritarian politics? How can the demands of grassroots protests find their way into institutionalized politics? Will alliances with party politics amplify or weaken the messages of protest movements? And what can the international community, civil society, and diplomacy do to support the fight for more freedom, democracy, and accountability in the region?

18 Things That Happened for the First Time in 2020 – NY Times, 15.01

GLOBSEC Trends 2020: Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Western Balkans at the Times of Pandemic – 10.12

The Year the Earth Stood Still – CFR, 7.12
The COVID-19 pandemic brought travel around the world to an abrupt halt in 2020. Nations are still trying to grasp the consequences, and restarting movement could take years.

The year 2020 in hindsight: OECD sees stronger-than-expected economic recovery – 3.12

Strategic Survey 2020: The Annual Assessment of Geopolitics – IISS, 2020

  • The worst pandemic in a century has tested governments, strained societies and frayed international ties. But there is much more to the past year than COVID-19. Concerns about climate change reached crisis pitch; US–Europe–China relations all grew more fractious; multilateralism wore thin and major arms control virtually collapsed; the US and the Taliban reached agreement to end America’s longest war; Britain left the EU, while the EU came together in crisis; Putin began to prepare for the 2024 presidential elections.

Perspective geostrategice 2020: Pandemia accelerează cele patru forțe care transformă peisajul global al afacerilor – EY, 20.05.20

  • În definirea planurilor de dezvoltare, directorii executivi trebuie să țină seama de patru forțe majore care transformă peisajul global al afacerilor: globalizarea și apariția unui nou tip de regionalizare; accelerarea concurenței globale în domeniul tehnologiei; demografiile îmbătrânite și cursa împotriva schimbărilor climatice. Pandemia COVID-19 nu modifică fundamental arhitectura gestionării eficiente a riscurilor geopolitice, dar va accelera traiectoria fiecăreia dintre aceste tendințe, se arată în raportul EY Perspective geostrategice în 2020.

Caspian Report – 21.01.20

  • Things are shaking up in Europe in 2020. #Brexit is happening, new pipelines are coming online, and a strategic arms build-up is destroying the control pacts.

Caspian Report – 15.01.20

  • Some years are overshadowed by finances, some by politics, and some by conflict. In Asia, all three will linger throughout 2020. China’s economic slowdown will continue to delineate the regional economic outlook. Additionally, due to uncertainties over global trade agreements, many governments are left with no tools to address their local issues. This has given rise to economic inequality and financial austerity measures, which have resulted in social unrest. So, let’s talk about the risks, trends and overall geopolitics of Asia-Pacific in 2020.

2020 in Europe: Brexit, climate targets, Balkans enlargement – France24, 13.01.20

  • It’s set to be an historic year for the European Union. The bloc will lose a member for the first time in its history when the United Kingdom leaves on January 31. But there’s plenty else happening in 2020, from climate goals to potential new members, plus foreign policy challenges that the EU may or may not be best equipped to tackle. We ask our panel of MEPs about the EU’s priorities for 2020.

Asia Society – 09.01.20

  • Historian and author Niall Ferguson assesses the state of the world in 2020 — and beyond — in a keynote address delivered as part of the 12th Ambassador Burton Levin Memorial Lecture Series. Asia Society Hong Kong Chairman Ronnie C. Chan made introductory remarks. (35 min., 22 sec.) 

Forecast of China’s Economy for 2020 – The National Comitee on China-US Relations, 9.01.20

  • As the trade war and political frictions between the United States and China continue to affect both countries and the global economy, leading Chinese and American economists convened in New York on January 9 to provide a forecast for China’s economy in the coming year, including macro-economic trends, reform possibilities, in-depth analysis of key sectors, and expected challenges and opportunities in 2020 and beyond.
  • The half-day conference, presented by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and Peking University’s China Center for Economic Research, was a rare opportunity to hear directly from influential experts about the evolution of China’s economy, changing bilateral investment prospects, and policy developments that will affect economic outlooks in both countries.

Ce ne aduce 2020 în tehnologie și știință – PressOne, 9.01.20

  • Anii ’20 sunt aici și se pare că vrem să-i începem în forță. Pe lângă „frumoasele rachete” pe care și le trimit militarii cadou unii altora, sperăm ca omenirea să facă niște pași interesanți și în privința tehnologiei pașnice. Vom trimite un nou rover pe Marte, ne pregătim să ducem din nou oameni pe Lună, automobilul electric își face loc în viața noastră, iar internetul va deveni mai rapid pe dispozitivele noastre mobile.

Schieffer Series: 2020 Challenges Ahead – Center for Strategic International Studies, 9.01.20

  • As we step into the new year, CSIS experts Kathleen Hicks, Stephanie Segal and Sarah Ladislaw will join Beverly Kirk, Director of CSIS’s Smart Women Smart Power Initiative and Bob Schieffer, to discuss a range of issues to look out for in 2020. Panelists will cover challenges ranging from the manifestations of U.S.-China tensions and Brexit to the United States’ withdrawal from global engagement and leadership, climate change and domestic stability.

2020: What’s to come? – Al Jazeera, 7.01.20

  • In an ever-more confusing world where the news cycle gets shorter and more intense, how does faith help make sense of things and provide comfort throughout dark days? We’ll discuss the highs and lows of 2019 and ask our panel of faith leaders what they’re looking forward to in 2020.

How the world will change in 2020 – Financial Times, 6.01.20

  • The FT’s US managing editor Peter Spiegel, Moscow bureau chief Henry Foy, chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman and Asia editor Jamil Anderlini give their predictions for the coming year and discuss the threats to the liberal world order.
  • Martin Wolf CBE, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times on the biggest risks for 2020 (11.19)

Les Experts du Dessous des Cartes/ ARTE

Thomas Gomart – 2020 : le monde change?

  • Quelles seront les conséquences des élections américaines de l’automne 2020, fin de l’ère Trump ou second mandat ? Comment vont évoluer les relations entre la Chine, les États-Unis et l’Union européenne ? Que deviendront ces différents mouvements qui secouent des peuples avides d’écrire une nouvelle page de leur Histoire, en Algérie, à Hong Kong, au Liban, en Irak….? Quels sont les risques de crises ? En 2020, le monde change ?

Pascal Boniface – Quelles guerres dans les années 2020 ?

  • Années 2020 : connaîtrons-nous la (les) guerre(s) ? Pascal Boniface est géopolitologue, fondateur et directeur de l’Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS). Il fait un tour d’horizon des conflits d’aujourd’hui et de demain, et identifie les principaux foyers des menaces : les ambitions de puissance russes, chinoises, nord-coréennes, les rivalités sino-américaines pour le leadership mondial, la guerre larvée Iran/Arabie Saoudite, la re-nucléarisation du monde, sans oublier les nouvelles guerres : celle du Cyber et de l’IA.

Strafor: Three Geopolitical Trends for 2020

Nikkei Asian Review

Top Risks in 2020

Tendinţele în materie de tehnologie în 2020 – ZF, 31.12.19

  • Zburatul în spaţiu va putea fi accesibil contra unui cost de 250.000 de dolari, iar companiile de telefonie mobilă vor începe să funcţioneze pe surse de energie durabile
  • Protestele mişcării Extinction Rebellion au ajutat ca problemele climatice să ajungă pe agenda companiilor din sector tehnologic. Mişcarea militează pentru protejarea mediului prin constrângerea nonviolentă a acţiunilor guvernamentale de a evita colapsul ecologic.
  • Producătorii de telefoane mobile şi de bunuri de larg consum vor fi nevoiţi să aibă procese de producţie mai ecologice şi să facă telefoane mai uşor de reparat. (…)
  • Este aşteptat ca până la sfârşitul anului 2020 să se ajungă la un număr de 125 de operatori care vor introduce tehnologia 5G.
  • O tendinţă pentru anul 2020 va fi calculatorul cuantic, iar Google a promis că, începând cu 2020, un asemenea calculator va fi disponibil pentru utilizatori, dar nu a oferit detalii în acest sens, scrie BBC. Funcţionarea calculatorului cuantic se bazează pe fenomene cuantice şi nu pe bază de tranzistori, precum calculatoarele folosite în mod curent. Un astfel de calculator permite efectuarea unui număr mai mare de operaţii într-un timp mult mai scurt. Calculatoarele cuantice ar putea crea progrese în chimie, industria farmaceutică şi inginerie.

2020 for the Future – FP, 30.12,19
Fridays for Future took foreign policy out of the hands of bureaucrats and officials in 2019. Next year, Greta Thunberg’s movement could go further. By Elisabeth Braw

20 trenduri pentru 2020 – 29.12.19

20 trenduri pentru 2020” continuă seria Social Innovation Solutions începută în 2019 și propune publicului 20 de subiecte cu sens pentru următorii ani. Principalele 4 categorii sunt: Tehnologie, Schimbări climatice și energie, Educație, muncă și wellbeing, Media & Consumer Trends.

Conversații despre cele 20 de trenduri vor avea loc pe parcusul anului în 40 de întâlniri în 25 de orașe din România, implicând peste 3.000 de tineri, antreprenori sau reprezentanți ai mediului public în pregătirea ediției 5 a celei mai importante conferințe despre viitor: Future Summit 2020, 18 si 19 noiembrie.

This is how companies can compete in the 2020s – World Economic Forum, 18.12.19

Martin Reeves, Senior Partner & Managing Director & Chairman, BCG Henderson Institute:

  • In the 2020s, the importance of defying the average will be greater than ever and more important than the choice of sector in which you operate.
  • To compete, businesses must build the capacity for continual reinvention which is necessary for a faster changing environment.
  • To achieve this, leaders will have to build hybrid human-machine learning organizations, master the science of organizational change and harness human diversity.

Antonia Colibășanu: A view from Eastern Europe: predictions for 2020 – 9.12.19

  • The most important and stringent problem that is left for the EU to solve in 2020 is that of Brexit. Even if the Brits have their own mind made up, a big decision needs to be made on the British divorce – and, as in the case of all big decisions within the EU, unanimity is needed. So, the decision will have to satisfy the Germans on market access, Luxemburg on financial issues, the Irish on border issues and the Spanish on Gibraltar, to name just a few in the EU that will likely have to do some “deep thinking” over anything relating to Brexit. That is difficult to say the least – anytime in history.
  • 2020 is also the first year in office for the EU Commission. The accommodation period will likely be short – not only due to the current political and economic problems of the EU and its members but also because of the fact that the newly reformed multiannual financial framework will be negotiated this year. For Eastern Europe and the Balkans, this process will show, one more, proofs for the EU commitment to the EU bordering and the neighboring regions (or its no-commitment).
  • The other element that will pose more challenges for Europe (EU and non-EU members alike) is the increasingly important role Turkey plays for the region. Ankara no longer feels satisfied with its “Western ally” status – it seeks to grow its influence in the Middle East and the Balkans and negotiates directly over the migration crisis, reaching out to Germany directly. While its economics is still weakened, the political game Turkey is playing poses new risks and asks for the EU position on security and trade matters both. As Turkey resets its relationship with the West (the Western Europe and the U.S. both), it is the Balkans and Eastern Europe – the border zones, that will feel the growing tension.”

What will be the biggest stories of 2020? – The Economist, 21.11.19

  • The battle for the White House, a possible global recession, Beethoven the eco-warrior, nurses taking centre stage and a controversial Olympic Games. These are The Economist’s predictions for the top stories of 2020.

The World in 2020, as forecast by The Economist – Brookings, 20.04.20

  • I learned that machines may already be quicker than humans in learning and better than us at predicting the future. Less happily, I learned that on issues that matter a lot, the analysis published by some venerable international institutions is absolutely unreliable.

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